Getting Started to Android Programming‎

In this tutorial, we will learn to create a Hello User application. User can enter a text into the edit textbox, then click the button. The application will get the value from the textbox and show the hello message on the screen. The application will also show the current time on the screen.

A Temperature Converter application. User can enter a decimal number into the edit textbox, then choose the radio button for either Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius. Then click the button. The application will get the value from the textbox and show the transferred value on a label.

The Object Oriented programming is the most current way of programming. The concept of OO is now applied to not only programming, but also database system, interactive interface, application structure, and various areas. This tutorial will help students to understand how the OO programming works, how convenience the OO programming is. Students will easily start to get into the concept of OO programming and use it into the future programming.

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