How does Malware disguise itself to avoid being detected?

Let was start with the definition of Malware. Its software such as viruses or Trojans designed to cause damage or disruption to a computer system. Malware can hide itself in application, files, software, browser, video game and etc.

MalwareHow does “Malware” affect your computer?

It affects your computer in two ways one being spyware and virus. Spyware which gather and observer your personal information from what website, email, files that the user goes on to personal information and bank accounts. A good example is Trojan horse which by history hollow wooden horse that hid Greek solders. That the Trojans were convinced it was a gift to Athena and dragged it inside. In today world are version is quite similar you think you’re download the new Angry Birds app and mobile phone then to find out someone is hack your bank account.  Now for Virus it can damage your computer which can cause your computer to crash and malfunction.  A good example is parasitic which by definition something who feeds off a person. In the computer world it attached itself from one program to other programs.

How does Malware disguise itself?

But Malware is like a cancer is a hundred different diseases, and each type of cancer can vary from another. This malware is like T-1000 in Terminator 2 which in the movie an advanced prototype Terminator composed of liquid metal, sent back in time to assassinate John.  the  T-1000 has the ability to shape-shifter into different people. Just like T-1000 can change into different people similar goes for Malware it can change into many different data which make it extreme difficult for anti-virus to work. Which can take days or weeks just to find and get rid of the Malware.

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